Understand Your State Pension and Benefits From Our Retirement Professionals

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State Pension

A state pension, also known as a defined benefit plan, when fully vested, will guarantee a lifetime income stream. Income is calculated based on what age you retire, how many services credits you have earned upon retiring, and an average of your highest earned salaries throughout your career. Consult with a specialist to learn how to maximize your pension benefits.

403(b) Retirement

A 403(b), also referred to as a tax sheltered annuity (TSA-Plan), is a type of retirement account that is available to certain public employees. When properly funded and managed, a 403(b) can serve as a powerful resource to supplement your retirement income. When enrolling into a 403(b), it’s essential to conduct an annual review of your policy to ensure you’re getting the most out of your plan.

Insurance Benefits

To protect from unexpected life situations, staff members can voluntarily enroll into several insurance benefits. From disability, cancer, and life insurance, there’s a wide array of plans to protect your household. Reviewing, updating your policies, and understanding the features and benefits of each plan can ensure your financial future is always secure.

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We Are Here to Help

Our mission is to help public employees create life changing wealth because they deserve to have a comfortable retirement. We provide the resources, guidance, and solutions you need to understand your benefits.

Why Choose Us?

We have been serving the public employee sector for over 10 years and have specialists nationwide ready to help.

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